Confession of a Book Junkie

Reviews by a certified Honest Book Junkie


Reading level:
Young Adult
496 pages
Ember; Reprint edition (June 14, 2011)

Lucinda is sure that she and Daniel are meant to be together forever. Now they are forced apart in a desperate bid to save Luce from the Outcasts–immortals who want her dead. As she discovers more about her past lives, Luce starts to suspect that Daniel is hiding something. What if he has lied to her about their shared past? What if Luce is really meant to be with someone else?

In book two we follow more of Luce's story. The beginning seems as if we would get more insight into Daniel and maybe Cam's world, but alas we do not. This book is more about Luce than the anything to with the bigger picture of the storyline.

Luce really starts to question everything. At the end of book one she just takes everything on faith and follows where she's lead, in this book we see her start to grow and question the things happening around her and to her. Who is she? Is she really her own person or just a recycled soul with shattered memories of past lives? What is love? What is a soulmate? These questions are important as you realize Luce in any of her past lives has never lived past the age of 17. Everything that is happening to her (and Daniel in part), the things she is feeling and learning, is completely new territory. This makes for some severe tension between her and Daniel. Her frustration and loneliness obvious to the reader.

During this time more bad guys come to play isolating Luce even more from those she loves. She discovers a talent she shouldn't have, that no one can explain. While some orders for her safety seem obvious, there are certain parts where Luce is so resistant to it, it she seems to lack common sense. She's so frustrating in her reasoning, that it becomes borderline naive for her to believe what she does. She makes two new cohorts Miles and Shelby who become essential characters to the story. Both are loveable in their own way, although Shelby tends to be a bit rough around the edges. Again we follow Luce as she's presented half truths, omissions and more questions. You identify with her as you are also left in the dark as to what the end game is, who has what agenda, and what exactly Luce's role is in the big picture. Toward the end of the story is Thanksgiving and with it comes a few well earned laughs, groans and excitement. All in all while the book is completely worth the read as you continue to dive deeper into the story.

RATING: ☆☆☆ 3/4


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